Tuesday, April 26, 2016

We Found The Loch Ness Monster!

So one evening in November I received a message from my dear friend Bethany from back home saying "My friend Jenifer and I are planning a trip to Scotland in March. We're planning to fly into London. Wanna join us?" Without any hesitation I said "yes!"
 They gave me some ideas of where they wanted to visit. I quickly searched them up on Pinterest and simply agreed to everything. I had no high expectations on anything. I just knew that I was going to see gorgeous views.
Between the time of November and March I went to see my family in Florida. I arranged with the girls to meet up and discuss our trip. I got my Mum to tag along since she's my personal travel agent. In one afternoon,  we got our whole trip figured out. We left with hugs, smiles and a sense of excitement. For we knew that in less than 30 days we would start the #jfbgreatscotlandadventure!
As soon as Bethany and Jenifer landed in London the adventure began, literally. We had some problems with our car rental. Since most people in the UK drive manual, we had to wait for a few hours till an automatic car came along. 😐 Then having Bethany drive from the airport to my house (being jet lagged and having a few cups of coffee) sent my heart through a few roller coasters. Let's just say we almost went on the right side of the rode. But we got home safe, had a homemade Italian dinner (maybe Sainsbury had a lot to do with that dinner) and got ready for the start of the adventure.
Our trip actually started in Birmingham. And yes, Bethany was a safe driver the rest of the trip. I had my sign language assembly there. So the girls attended half of the assembly and then sight seed. While I  continued to watch fingers flashing at my face, lol. But they enjoyed it. They got to meet a good chunk of the people I know here in the UK. The day after the assembly we set off to our next leg of the trip, Glasgow. 
I heard so many negative things about Glasgow. People told me it was boring and not a lot to do there. Even though we only spent one night there, I quite liked it. It had a small city urban feel to it, but still homey. It was raining through most of our drive up there. But we had Disney tunes and 90's classics to keep us going.  As soon as we got into Glasgow it cleared up (but still cold.) We were welcomed but the sweetest lady at the reception desk. She gave us pointers about some places we wanted to see. "As soon as they opened the curtains and I saw the castle ruins, I cried." We knew had to see Castle Urquhart. The next morning we had to say goodbye Glasgow and head over to Fort William.
This was right outside our hotel room in Glasgow.
When we met up to discuss the trip with my Mum. She told we had to drive through Glencoe on our way to Fort William. Jenifer and Bethany already had it on her list. As soon as we got in the car my Mum said "your grandmother loved Glencoe. It was here favorite place to visit for our holidays." If my Nanny Isobel and Shasha loved it, so would I. 
I think our drive to Fort William was my favorite part. Anytime we saw anything breathtaking. We would stop the car and take pictures. No words can describe it and the pictures don't do it any justice.

Our whole trip was full of scenery like this. Just after every corner something beautiful and jaw dropping. I understand why my grandmother loved it here so much. I felt like I was personally getting to know her and understand the person she was. Also coming from a Scottish background, I got to understand that part of my hertiage more. Especially since my family actually use to live in Glenco. 
The rest of the trip were full of scenery like this. 

We met these sisters in Edinburgh.

The castle we trespassed on.

Castle Urquhart

Fairy Pools, Isle of Skye

Brother Rutherford gave a talk in front of this door!

But the whole trip was full of laughter, inside jokes and memories to share for the rest of my life. We went to the Isle of Skye and saw the fairy pools, went to Edinburgh and saw gorgeous men playing the bag pipes, went to Wisky disterally and nearly got drunk, trespassed onto Castles, visited my family's friends in New Castle, met an Asian with a Scottish accent, renacted a scene from Monty Python . At one point we had the front desk had to call us to say that our neighbors complained that we were too loud. All we were doing was laughing.

Since I was having such a great time with friends from back home, it made me a little home sick. But I am not done with my adventures here in London. It's crazy that it's been a year aleady. But, I still have to much to see and accomplish.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

It's That Time of Year Again!

Phew it's been a while since I have written on here. I have been so busy and a lot of things have changed within ONE year!

Here is a recap:
I hit a mid life crisis (yes, I know. I am too young for that. But, it's what I like to call it.) In order to get things in my life going again- I decided to take advantage of my dual citizenship and move to London. That's right, Big Ben is in my back garden!

There was a series of events that triggered it all. For a few months I thinking about going back to an English congregation with my parents. I was tossing some ideas back and forth with my family. I thought it would be a good idea to England for the summer- jus to get away for a bit. The idea was, I'll apply for some jobs- if it works, great. If it doesn't, no big deal I'll come back to Florida. Until some horrible events happened at work. It really hit me hard to the point I wasn't my normal self. I barely ate (and that's strange, because I love food) and just slept all day. Then I decided "I just need to get out of Kissimmee." And the idea to move to London was born.
I pitched the idea to my friend who also had dual citizenship. She thoguht it was a great idea and decided to join in. She talked to her family and they invited her to stay with them until she got things sorted. They even extended the invitation to me! So in June I packed my life in a suitcase and moved to London.

I was still tossing the idea of going back to an English congregation. My friend suggested the idea of writing to the branch and seeing what congregation in the area needed help. But I have been helping a congregation for a few years already, I just wanted to find a place that felt fimilar with- that felt like home. So I went to a few English meetings. But, it just didn't feel the same. Not that the brothers and sisters weren't lovely. But if you ever been in foreign language for a number of years, you know what I mean. I had a friend who was in the BSL congregation. She knew I just moved and asked when I was going to come visit. So I went to the meeting and it felt like home. I knew it was the right decesion to move to that congregation.

Now getting a job was not easy. I have a lot of experience working with children with Autism. When I talked to Teaching Agencies (almost every job here is done through agencies) they seemed really eager to sign me up and send me to interviews. Except there was one tiny problem, I needed a background check from the US. It never even crossed my mind to do that before I left. So when I contacted the FBI to file for the check. They informed me it would take me 3 months to go through the entire process. THREE MONTHS?! I didn't have time for that. I was already overwelcoming my stay with family I was living with. I didn't know what to do. Every time I talked to my family, I was just overwhelmed. They threw ideas out. But the major one was "Go on a nice holiday for a week or so, then just come back home to us." But the thing was, I didn't want to leave. I was attached to my congregation already. So I prayed a lot and was clear on what I wanted. I told Jehovah: if I meant to stay I will have an interview this week for a waitress position. Even if I don't get it. I know I am meant to stay. Later the next day, I got an email to come for an interview at a little cafe. I got my answer. Within a couple of weeks I finally got a job with a catering agency (see, everything is done through agencies.) But, I knew in order survive money wise, I needed that job at the schools. I was entirely grateful for the family for letting me stay with them. They helped me out so much. Words can't describe how grateful I am. But, I knew I had to go. I had a friend who had a room available with some other sisters. So jumped on the opportunity and moved in with them.

The teaching agency with getting really antsy with the whole US background check. The schools that I interviewed with kept asking about me. So the agency found another alternative. They said I could file a background check with my state instead of the FBI. I filed it with the State of Florida and with in minutes I got an email saying I was cleared. I sent all the info to the agency and the next day I got a job with a school.

Jehovah has really blessed me through this entire experience. I don't know what I would with out him. They're moments when I really miss home. I missed some pretty big moments:being a bride's maid at my best friends wedding, seeing my brother get baptized. Plus losing a close friend to the world isn't fun to deal with on your own. But knowing I have Jehovah has made it a lot better. Also knowing the fact that my parents love me and are proud makes it a whole easier as well. They make sure they say it everyday when I talk to them.

Wow, that was a bit of a rant. Next time it won't be so personal. I have had many intresting experiences. Most of which have a funny story to tell.

Francesca xoxox

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

End of the Year Self Evaluations

    As many people do when a year comes to an end, they make goals. Well, I don't making goals. Only because if I don't achieve them, then I feel lousy about myself. Instead I make self evaluations and how to improve myself.
     This year I learned a few things about myself. For one, I am most like my grandfather Shameus. I always cringed when they said "You got the Sha Sha in you." Only because I always wished they would say I was sweet and gentle like my grandmothers. But, after losing him this past year. I realized its not a bad comparison. My grandfather was the most friendliest, hilarious, determined man I have ever met. He wasn't afraid to say what's on his mind. It could be about the Bible, to how fat you have gotten, or even how he admired you as a person. After realizing I missed opportunities only because I wasn't able to speak up. I came to conclusion that I need bring my inner Sha Sha out. Now, I won't tell a person they gained weight. But, I won't miss opportunities to speak my mind (all of good reason, of course.) What I mean is that I won't be ashamed to start a conversation about the Bible. Or to tell a family or friend how much I care about them and what they mean to me. We only have a limited time and we have to take opportunity while we can. I am so tired of living with "what ifs" and "what could have happeneds." So this year, I won't allow it to happen.

   I have no idea what this year has in store for me. I going with an open mind and taking opportunities while I can. Because one thing my grandfather always said "Life is for the living." You can't live with regrets and that's something I won't allow myself to have.

Hope everyone has a glorious year!
Francesca xx

Monday, May 19, 2014

Graduation Time!

 During this time of year many young ones are graduating and starting new adventures. I had the pleasuring of taking pictures of a close family friend, David. He's graduating from TECO PATHS in Electrical. We had a great taking pictures at Disney's Boardwalk. Everyone congratulating him during our shoot. I know your family and everyone else is very proud of you!

My little brother is graduating from middle school and heading to high school. Decided to take pics for the family. It scares me how much he has grown!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Happy Dapper Day!

So on Sunday March 9th was my favorite semi annual event at Disney World, Dapper Day. You may ask "What is Dapper Day?" Back when Disneyland first opened. No one really knew how to dress for that type of setting, since Disney was the first theme park of its kind. So they dressed as they were going to special event. Basically, putting their best foot forward. But as time went on, people started dressing more casual and diffidently more comfortable. (I can't really blame them. It is normally a long day at the park.) So Dapper Day is an ode to how Disney once was. Dressing to what an era that you feel comfortable with and strutting your stuff. It is normally a wonderful evening. Everyone is very kind complementing your outfit, wanting to take pictures and saying 'Happy Dapper Day!' Even the cast members :D
This is the 4th time my best friend and I have gone to Dapper Day. We are basically casuals and know people who regularly attend the event. Even the photographers for the event know us! This time we dressed similarly to our favorite princesses. We even stopped by and said hello to them.
(I was little on cloud nine.)
Obviously she was too!

We can't go by with out saying hello to one of our personal favs!

Phillis! Who is particularly famous at the Dapper Day in DL

Lotte! So cute :D
Fauna, Flora and Merryweather


y'know, the gang

 It is also a great day for photo opps. I am also in the process of teaching Kim how to take photos. She did pretty well (with my directions, critique and all.)

It was a wonderful day! I especially loved seeing the new parade 'Festival of Fantasy.' All I have to say is OH MY GOODNESS!! Disney has put a lot of detail to it and it is absolutely wonderful. Didn't get any great pictures this time around. But, I will when its slower around the parks and can get better seating. Hope you enjoyed the photos!
Francesca xx

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Formal Introduction

I've noticed in the last blog, I did a vague introduction of myself. Well, allow me to do a proper one. My name is Francesca. I live in a town called Kissimmee, FL. It's about 30 mins from Orlando area. Being so close to the tourist attractions as a child, I would many spend field trips and family trips to the theme parks (so fortunate, I know.)
I have a wonderful family. My parents are very encouraging and supportive. Seeing them, I know that their marriage, is the kind of marriage and relationship I want with my mate. No better example then seeing people who truly love each other for over 26 years. I also have a younger brother. He has been my little side kick in life. He makes me laugh until my belly hurts and I couldn't ask for a better brother.
I am very interested in travelling, photography, sign language, dancing, laughing, being with friends,eating, musicals and running....and that is just a few things.
Travelling, photography and sign language are defiantly my favorite. Why? Well they all sort of connected with each other.
I have been visiting different countries since I was 6 months old. My mother is originally from England. And being married and living in America, she needed to see her family. So of course, I was dragged along. But, I find that visiting different countries at such a young made me appreciate Jehovah's organization. Brothers and sisters who I just met, welcome me with a huge smile and made me feel like I knew them my whole life. Made a huge impression on me and is one of the many reasons why I continue to serve Jehovah.
Now while we were travelling, we would also take photos. My mother would give me a throw away camera and allow me to take photos. I became so aware of what I was surrounded by. Mountains, waterfalls, rolling hills, the fox in my grandfather's garden, snow, the architecture of buildings, and what were people were doing (yes, I like to people watch.) All of those I was amazed by. And of course I snapped their picture. But, I also wanted to know how they were created. So of course my parents took the time to explain Jehovah's lovely creations. I was just so fascinated by everything that I absorbed everything that they taught me .
Now being such an observant and fascinated little child. I was also fascinated by sign language. During the assemblies they had designated section for the deaf and hard of hearing. I would watch the brothers and sisters interpret the meetings and was so amazed. I would try to see if I could catch some signs by listening and seeing the brothers sign. I remember one time I was so excited because my father was giving a talk at the Sign Language congregation. Even though a sister interpreted my father's talk, I have to say it was one of best talks he has ever given. Fast forward about 12 years later and I am in the same congregation that my father gave his talk in. I absolutely love it and couldn't be happier.
I hope this allows you to get to know me a little bit better. I hope to post some adventures in the next few weeks. Stay tuned!
Francesca xx

Thursday, February 6, 2014

First posts are kind of intimidating...

With that being said....allow me to introduce myself.
Hi, my name is Francesca A! I was born and raised in the Orlando Florida area. But, I am not your typical Floridian girl. Many people believe that people who live in FL are always going to the beach while drinking Pina Colada. WRONG! I grew up in an area where I rarely heard the English language and Malta is the drink of choice. Don't get me wrong, I love my state. I live near the 'happiest place on Earth' and our winters always feel like fall. But, that isn't the home in my heart. I have been very fortunate to spend my summers in England. I always believed that children grow up the most during the summers. They gain new experiences and live care free (who wouldn't with no school, haha). So, during my summers in England, that is what I did. I would go through the woods and learn a sense of direction, go shopping by myself and learn what clothes look good on myself and had my first dealings with boys. I love Jolly O' England and proud to say I am a Brit (not being nationalistic at all, lol).
But this summer I able to gain a new experience! While seeing my home and family in England, I will also be go to Germany! I was accepted to go to the International Convention of Jehovah Witnesses in July, 2014. Even though I have traveled to many states on my own, I have never gone to another country. But, I am not worried. I will surrounded with brothers and sisters from Jehovah's organization. And that, brings butterflies to my stomach- the good kind! So this is the whole purpose of this blog. To share my experiences (my adventures, really) thru my camera lens ( and my also my mobile device). Hope you all enjoy!
Francesca xx